Monday, January 30, 2012

just because i have an erection, doesn't mean i want to hump you

I really enjoy creating stuffed dolls with genitalia. In fact, I'm shocked that there are not more anatomically correct dolls out there for children (or adults). It's not as though your child hasn't discovered that area between their legs. But we don't talk about that, or maybe we do but in a shame induced way: cover up! These are our *special* spots that only *certain* people should see. Yet this dogmatic approach serves to create a society where nudity is equated with sexuality.

Not all nudity is created (ahem... viewed) equally. Gwen Jacob took the issue of her toplessness in Ontario to court and was finally acquitted 5 years later (5 years!), paving the way for females across Canada to shed their upper garments. But even 15 years after this clarification in s.173 of the Criminal Code, how many females do you see taking advantage of this?

In a society that still has deep rooted hang-ups about sexuality and nudity/nudity and sexuality, I'm not really that surprised that when presented with one of my dolls, my adult friends immediately position and play with them in hyper-sexualized ways. Yet I am surprised that this is the ONLY way that my adult friends play with them. So this doll's junk is hanging out.... so what? That doesn't mean he wants to hump everything, it means he has a penis. Please don't think that I'm a naive prude, these dolls *demand* to played with in a sexual way--I fully recognize and encourage the sexual play that is offered with them--just be aware that perhaps, they too, like Gwen, just want to have the freedom to stroll down the road feeling the sun on their bits.

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