Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sir Arthur the 3rd (aka doll #37)

Normally when I sew (or craft, or paint, or draw), I like to be alone.

Getting into the zone with my project, I'm not very good company. But this is problematic, as I'm often so "in the zone" that I forget to eat, go to the bathroom or even drink water. Which leaves me feeling horrific as I crawl away from my newest creation.  

Now, my new roommate is hooked on the idea of craft nights: invite the friends over, share food, drink wine and work on whatever project you want (this is usually that project that has been sitting on your to-do list for a few months--you know, that pile of supplies that makes you feel a little guiltier every time you walk by it). 

The night rolls around. 
Food: check. Wine: check. Project: check. Friends: check. 
Great! Time to make shit!

I begin by struggling with my desire to hide in my room and get in that focused zone by myself, but that's socially rude, so I join the crew in the main area of our place. Many laughs follow, silly games, etc........ and I actually really like it. I complete another doll, albeit rather slowly, but at least I was eating.

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